the town the town

Geographic location

Pego is located in the region of La Marina Alta. located to the north of the province of Alicante and to the south of the province of Valencia.

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How to arrive

You can reach it by different routes according to where you proceed.

On the north, if you come by the A-7 motorway you have to take the exit Oliva - Pego. Once you are off the toll, you head south to Oliva, which is the National Road N-332, when you have reached the other end of the town, on the right there is a Deviation towards Pego, the 3318. It follows that secondary road and you will arrive to Pego. But if you have not noticed this deviation, you can continue for a few more kilometers along the N-332 and, at the height of the Natural Park, take the other turnoff to the right where you can reach Pego enjoying the marvelous landscape of La Marjal.

If you come from Alicante, that is, from the south towards the north and you go by the A-7 motorway you have to take the Ondara-Pego exit. Once outside the freeway, you are heading towards Valencia, crossing the town of Ondara and El Verger through the new ring road until the exit towards Pego and about 10km. You will arrive, this is a mountain road with an excellent landscape but with hundreds of curves which make the route more exhausting.

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Mediterranean climate

The annual average temperature is high, 18 degrees, and so are precipitations, approximately 900mm per year, which largely penetrate the mountains of calcareous nature and originate a low zone with a powerful aquifer, with two sources and short but, Mighty rivers: the Bullent and the one of Racons or Molinell.

The tranquility, the excellent climatology, the extraordinary conservation of the environment, the nearby beaches of fine sand and the clean waters, the modern sports and health facilities, the parties, the gastronomic variety, the kindness of its inhabitants and the high quality of life make Pego the ideal place to live or spend your holidays.